Why Small Schools Work

Have you wondered if children in small schools are receiving the quality of education that they could get in the larger schools? If you have, then this information is for you.

  1. Individualization - In most small schools, there is a lower teacher-pupil ratio.  This allows for more careful assessment of the needs, strengths, and weaknesses of each student.  The teacher is better able to individualize the instruction to fit the student's needs and learning style.

  2. Flexibility - The small school setting largely escapes the fixed schedules, pull-out-programs, red tape, and administrative trivialities of larger schools. This enables new teaching strategies to be implemented with a minimum of delay. Field trips, projects, and use of equipment can fit into the actual flow of the classroom learning experience without having to adjust to the plans of several other classrooms.

  3. Curriculum - The North American Division Office of Education has developed quality curriculum materials for multi-grade classrooms.  Integration of learning levels and subjects allows the students to apply skills across the curriculum in real-life situations.

  4. Social Skills - Several studies have found that multi-grade classrooms improve personal and social development. Students learn to work with a wide age span. Cooperative learning and peer tutoring helps shape social skills. Independent work habits, as well as a greater feeling of responsibility and self-esteem, are developed.

  5. Family Atmosphere - A sense of community quickly develops. There is more interaction among the smaller groups. The mix of age and abilities is more like a family than is found in larger classrooms of same-age children.

  6. Parental Involvement - A major factor for student success in school is for the parents to be actively involved in their child's education. The small school setting provides many opportunities for involvement from helping with projects, field trips, and hot lunches, to serving on the local school board.

  7. Academic Achievement - Studies have shown that students from multi-grade schools do as well or better on standardized tests than students in single grade classrooms. Also, more small school students go on to college.

  8. Leadership - Students have the opportunity to develop leadership skills from an early age. Every student is called upon to lead out in some aspect of the school program - a true training ground for the future.

  9. Character Building - Character building is the center piece of Adventist Christian education. The family atmosphere of the small school provides an environment that supports and extends this important work begun in the home.

  10. Spiritual Growth - Seventh-day Adventist Christian education focuses on preparing students for eternity. The smaller setting allows time to be spent in sharing and building a personal relationship with Christ. Smaller groups and flexible scheduling make outreach in service to the community easier to accomplish.

Our children are the future. Salvation is our goal.